Founded in 2016
The simple way to manage your life/finance with an app and Visa debit and credit cards.
More than 4,000,000 users have started to build a better financial life with Jenius.
Now you can access all of your financial needs, from transactions, savings, lending, investment to financial reports in one place without switching between applications.
Ready to start simplifying your life finance?
Download Jenius application, register and activate your account with Face Recognition in no time.
With m-Card (Jenius main debit card) and 3 additional debit cards, you can make transactions at various Visa merchants across the world. In addition to that, you will also have an e-Card for movies and music streaming services, games, pay/buy apps and more.
Interested in awesome rewards? With fully online application, management, and point redemption, Jenius Credit Card has a lot of generous offers for easier point collection. You can redeem points into travel miles, points, even e-Wallet balance in real time.
If you have plans to travel around the world, 9 foreign currencies (USD, SGD, JPY, GBP, AUD, HKD, EUR, THB, CNY) are available at Jenius app. You can link them to your m-Card for transactions.
For online transactions, you can use:
- Jenius Pay: Pay for your online shopping with just your $Cashtag
- Jenius QR: Scan QRIS for quick and easy payment option
- Send It: Transfer to various accounts and pay bills (internet, credit card, top up balance, electricity, zakat, and others)
With lots of promos every day, not only that transactions using Jenius are practical and easy, but they are also cost-effective.
Want to save some funds? There are saving options for you to use based on your needs:
- Dream Saver: 5 savings to help you make dreams come true
- Flexi Saver: 3 flexible savings to allocate money
- Flexi Rasa Maxi: Locked savings for some cashback, gold, and goods upfront
- Maxi Saver: Open as many deposits as you want from your smartphone
Other features that you can use, including:
- e-Wallet Center: An easy way to top up up to 10 e-Wallet and e-Money (GoPay, OVO, LinkAja, DANA, BNI TapCash, mandiri e-money, ShopeePay, and M-Tix)
- Pay Me: Send money requests from your smartphone
- Split Bill: Easily split the bill
- Flexi Cash: Cash out your flexible fund for various needs
- Investment: Grow your wealth through mutual fund
- Jenius Paylater: New source-of-fund for small transactions
- Moneytory: Get insight for your financial report
Just by paying Feesible (subscription fee) for only Rp10.000 per month, you can experience the simplicity of financial management with Jenius.
Jenius is a digital banking and part of PT Bank BTPN Tbk. that is licensed and supervised by OJK (Indonesia Financial Services Authority) and is a member of LPS (Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation), so Jenius is safe.
Find out more about this new way of banking at and start a new, better life with Jenius.
Simpler Life, Happier You
Head Office
PT Bank BTPN Tbk
Menara BTPN – CBD Mega Kuningan
Jl. Dr. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav 5.5-5.6
Jakarta 12950
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