Uno Bank - Full-spectrum Digital Bank

from Philippines (the) 

Neobank - Private

App Store Bewertung : 4.4

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Uno Bank - Full-spectrum Digital Bank

With UNO, you can save, borrow, transact, invest & protect with speed and ease.

Elevate your life with UNO Digital Bank.

Manage your money whenever you need it, wherever you are, with a secure and trusted digital bank app!

Who and what is UNO Digital Bank?

We are a full-spectrum credit-led digital bank licensed and regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). UNO is pioneering a new and elevated approach to banking. We will provide a single trusted interface to manage your entire life cycle financial needs with speed and ease: a platform where you can save, borrow, transact, invest, and protect in a simple and convenient manner.

What can you do with the UNO Digital Bank app?

Secure Your Money

Create a safety net for family needs, potential emergencies, big or small, or even for the future lifestyle you’re planning to live. Send money, pay bills, and shop online while you elevate your earnings for up to 4.25% interest rate with our #UNOready Savings Account!

Maximize Your Money

Receive and send money from anywhere while you stay protected when making important payments.

Grow Your Money

Boost your income or get help in building more income streams whether passive or active. Watch your money grow for up to 6.5% interest rate with our time deposit #UNOboost where your can enjoy flexible tenors and #UNOearn where you can avail of monthly payouts of your earnings!!

Plus enjoy safe transactions with the UNO Virtual Debit Mastercard.

Shop and transact online 24/7 at all Mastercard-accepting merchants worldwide.

The UNO experience is all about simple, secure, and accessible banking designed for your lifestyle. Download the UNO Digital Bank app now!

Uno Bank Alternatives


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