Swiss Money - Crypto-inclusive solution

from Switzerland

Wallet - Private

App Store Bewertung : 4.1

Founded in 2016

swissmoney is an international crypto cashout solution that provides ultra-fast payments between Crypto and financial institutions. Try swissmoney App today!

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Swiss Money - Crypto-inclusive solution

Discover boundless fintech & digital assets operations backed by the highest Swiss standards.

We understand your unique requirements and risks associated with sectors like banking, finance, insurance, and cryptocurrency. Therefore, we offer tailored solutions that effectively address industry-specific challenges.

Futuristic view

Manage your crypto assets with ease. Get your crypto wallet and buy, sell, or exchange your crypto. Take the best of cutting-edge cryptographic technology to the highest standards.

Enhanced Data Privacy and Security

Receive an extra layer of protection, including advanced cryptographic technology and two-factor authentication, to ensure you can spend with confidence and keep your assets safe.

Flexibility and speed

Get your digital banking account in minutes. Keep your money in several banks in different jurisdictions, with easy access to all your funds.

Effortless global reach

Stay on track with round-the-clock transactions. Open your IBAN account and enjoy the convenience of instant internal transfers and seamless multi-currency payments. Moreover, use your Mastercard debit card anywhere.

All-in-one approach

Explore the full range of possibilities. Open SEPA and SWIFT accounts, get electronic wallets and exchange crypto, as well as receive and send digital assets and use virtual and physical payment cards.


swissmoney is a brand of Swiss Wealth Management AG. Swiss Wealth Management AG is affiliated with d’Organisme de Surveillance pour Intermédiaires Financiers & Trustees (“SO-FIT”) (affiliation No.: 1179). SO-FIT is a self-regulatory organization approved by the Swiss Federal Financial Markets Supervisory Authority (FINMA) for the supervision of financial intermediaries referred to in article 2 al. 3 of the Swiss federal law on the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism (MLA). As swissmoney is not subject to direct FINMA supervision, regulatory issues should be addressed to SO-FIT.

Swiss Wealth Management AG is registered with the Swiss Companies Register (company number CHE-105.854.576) with a registered address at Metallstrasse 8, 6300 Zug, Switzerland.

Swiss Money Alternatives


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