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Empowering Young People to manage their money responsibly
Osper is a mobile pocket money management app and a parent-managed prepaid debit card designed to help young people become confident in managing their money.
With the ability to set up an automatic allowance directly from a parent’s debit card to their children’s Osper account, there’s no more scrambling for change when pocket money day comes around. Pocket money arrives in your child’s account automatically, ready for them to save or spend. Osper gives parents complete oversight of what their children are buying and with the touch of a button they can enable or disable online spending, cash withdrawals or contactless payments.
Our Osper prepaid debit cards allow young people to:
Make purchases in shops, online and at cash machines just like any other debit card
Gain real-life hands-on experience about money management in a fun way, creating savings goals and using spending tags
Never go overdrawn or allow children to get into debt: Osper cards are prepaid and your children can only spend what’s on the card
Transfer funds between siblings.
Take responsibility for their own spending and stimulate conversations about money management with parents
The Osper app provides separate logins, one for the parent and another for the young person. Each with their own functions, our aim is to give children a sense of control and awareness over their own finances.
Within the parent app you are able to:
Set up an allowance in seconds and never miss pocket money day! Allowance transfers are free of charge with our Osper Allowance feature
make an urgent transfer to your child? Make one-off transfers to your child’s card in seconds, straight from your phone
have complete oversight of your child’s spending and balance in real-time
lock Osper cards and manage online spending, contactless and cash withdrawals from your Osper App
manage all cardholders from one app login
use the gift links - an easy and convenient way for friends and family to contribute to your child’s Osper card. Ideal for birthdays, holidays and other special occasions.
Young People can use the app to:
Take responsibility - Empower young people to control their spending, via tools such as transaction tagging, saving goals and transaction histories. Learn money management
- Stick to a budget by seeing when next Osper Allowance is coming in, tag the spendings into categories to understand more about money management in a fun way
Develop good habits - Set up automatic or manual savings goals to work towards
React - Lock the Osper card instantly with Osper Card Lock if the card gets lost
Stay in control - Check the PIN number anytime in the app
At Osper, safety is our top priority.
-Osper cards are protected by MasterCard, all funds on the cards are safe whatever eventuality.
-We designed Osper to protect young people : bars, off-licenses and online casinos are blocked by Osper and online spending is optional.
-All our online transactions are protected with 3DS security protocol.
-The app is password-protected and you can additionally enable biometric access, so that no-one can get into your Osper App except you.
The Osper card is only available to UK residents and requires a UK debit card to load money onto Osper Cards.
Osper will collect and use personal information via the Osper App in order to provide you with the Osper Service. For more information about how your information is used, including information on how we use cookies, please see our Privacy and Cookies Policy. By downloading this App you are agreeing to the Osper Terms and Privacy and Cookies Policy which can be found at
©2021 Osper Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Osper Prepaid Debit Card is issued by IDT Financial Services Limited (IDTFS) pursuant to licence by MasterCard International, and remains the property of IDTFS.
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