Neo Financial - Spend. Save. Earn cashback.

from Canada 

Neobank - Private

Classement de l'App Store : 4.8

Fondée en 2019

Neo Financial™ is shaping the future of how Canadians spend, save, and earn. Join now and discover a modern way to manage your money.

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Neo Financial - Spend. Save. Earn cashback.

Everything you need to make your money work smarter.


Earn an average of 5% cashback¹ at thousands of partners with eligible Neo products.


Get a credit card without credit history.


Unlike many other cards, there are no monthly or annual fees³ (excluding World Elite® products offered by Neo).


Reach your goals faster and earn 4%⁴ interest.


With Neo Mortgage TM, get your best rate, fast turnaround, and expert support.


Pay bills, make deposits, withdraw, and transfer, all from one place.


Stay protected against fraud with Mastercard® Zero Liability protection⁵​​. Keep your deposits secure with Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation⁶.


View your spending and cashback at a glance or prompt Neo AI for personalized insights⁷ into your money.

For more information, please visit

¹ Average based on current offers at select partners. Cashback may be limited and varies by perks, offer, and partner. Cashback, perks, insights, and other offers and rewards are operated by Neo.

² Conditions apply. Must 1. be the age of majority in your province or territory of residence; 2. be a Canadian resident; 3. provide security funds.

³ For Quebec: Monthly Statements; No monthly or annual fees; 21-day grace period; Minimum payment is the higher of $10.00 or 5.0% of total statement balance; Purchase rate (19.99%-24.99%) and cash advance rate (22.99%-25.99%). For Cathay World Elite® Mastercard®: There is an annual fee of $180. This product is not available in Quebec.

⁴ Interest is calculated daily on the total closing balance and paid monthly. Rates are per annum and subject to change without notice.

⁵ Certain terms, conditions and exclusions apply. Contact your issuing financial institution for complete coverage terms and conditions.

⁶ The Neo High-Interest Savings account is provided by Peoples Bank of Canada, a CDIC member institution, and is eligible for CDIC deposit protection. Deposits held in Neo High-Interest Savings accounts are combined with eligible deposits held at Peoples Bank of Canada, for up to $100,000 of deposit protection, per category, per depositor. For more information about CDIC deposit insurance, please consult CDIC’s website

⁷ Neo AI is an educational tool and shouldn't be used as a source of financial advice, answers provided by Neo AI may not always be accurate.

Neo Credit and Neo Secured Credit cards are issued by ATB Financial pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated.

Mastercard®, World Elite®, and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.

Neo Mortgage Services Inc. Licenses - Ontario FSRA #13444, British Columbia MB600606, Alberta, Saskatchewan 510903|512351, Manitoba, Newfoundland & Labrador #2207NE1151, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia #20213000380|20223000521, PEI.

All product and company names, logos, brands, and images are trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.

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