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ZebPay is the most secure crypto exchange trusted by over 3-million members to buy, sell & trade cryptocurrencies. Start trading now!
About ZebPay
ZebPay makes trading and investing in crypto assets simple and secure. Established in 2014, we’re a leading crypto trading exchange with more than 7 million downloads globally and have facilitated more than $25 billion in trade volume. Crypto enthusiasts from around the world use ZebPay for trading and investments. Buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, BNB, MATIC and over 150 crypto assets, and trade effortlessly using ZebPay.
Security is everything at ZebPay. With ~98% coin storage in cold wallets, robust internal controls, 3rd party security testing and more, our security measures are designed to keep your crypto safe.
Popular Features
- Quick Trade: Buy & sell Bitcoin, Ethereum and over 150 other crypto coins instantly with the most affordable transaction rates at the click of a button.
- Exchange: Buy Crypto coins with limit order and stop loss feature. Trade effortlessly on the go. Bitcoin, Ethereum and several other tokens are available on the exchange.
- CryptoPacks: Invest in diversified crypto allocations. Buy Crypto portfolios with Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, Matic, Solana and several other tokens. Use strategic investments to get an edge.
- P&L Analysis: Effortlessly track your P&L and get a complete visualisation of all your crypto investments with individual coin performance.
- Earn Brave Rewards: Link your Brave Rewards Account to ZebPay and transfer BAT crypto tokens free of charge. You can trade with these BAT tokens on the go. The first 500 users to use this feature will win 50 BAT.
- Lend your Crypto: Lend your crypto assets and earn passive income through your investments using our fully secure lending programme. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin and many more Crypto tokens are available for lending.
Why Choose ZebPay?
- Battle Tested Security:
With close to 98% of assets in cold storage, stringent internal controls and multi-chain security systems your crypto is always secure.
- 24*7 Support Available:
Get instant support and troubleshooting for any issues you face in-app with ZiVa, our virtual assistant.
Support for trading inquiries can be reached instantly from within the ZebPay App or by raising a ticket on
- Trade with 150+ crypto and INR pairs:
Why stop at just Bitcoin and Ethereum trading? Use ZebPay’s crypto trading app to trade a wide variety of crypto coins, with more tokens listed regularly!
Here’s a quick glimpse at our most popular trading pairs:
Bitcoin - BTC / INR
Ethereum - ETH / INR
Binance Coin - BNB / INR
Tether - USDT / INR
Ripple - XRP / INR
- Charts and Visualization:
Access charts and visualise crypto trading performance over multiple time frames. View your crypto asset allocation at a glance and get detailed trade performance insights. Analyze how coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum and over 150 other tokens have performed over multiple time frames.
- Instant order settlements:
Buy Crypto with 0 delays enabling a smooth and secure crypto trading experience.
- Educational Content:
Learn about trading and crypto investments using ZebPay’s extensive market research reports and fundamental insights. Stay informed using daily trading reports on Bitcoin, Ethereum and other Altcoins every week. Invest by being ahead of the curve through Crypto News, Regulatory developments, feature updates and more.
- Stay updated with trading challenges, market reports, coin launches, and more
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Divulgation des affiliations Au lieu de bannières publicitaires et de murs payants, Neobanque gagne de l'argent grâce à des liens d'affiliation vers les différents fournisseurs de services de paiement présentés sur notre site Web. Bien que nous nous efforcions de rechercher les meilleures offres sur le marché, nous ne sommes pas en mesure de prendre en compte tous les produits disponibles. Notre large éventail de partenaires affiliés de confiance nous permet de formuler des recommandations détaillées, impartiales et axées sur les solutions pour tous les types de questions et de problèmes des consommateurs. Cela nous permet de mettre en relation nos utilisateurs avec les fournisseurs qui répondent à leurs besoins et, ce faisant, de mettre en relation nos fournisseurs avec de nouveaux clients, créant ainsi une situation gagnant-gagnant pour toutes les parties impliquées. Cependant, si certains liens sur Monito peuvent effectivement nous rapporter une commission, ce fait n'a jamais d'incidence sur l'indépendance et l'intégrité de nos opinions, recommandations et évaluations.
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