Atlantic Money - Flat fee & live exch. rates

from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) 

Neobank - Private

App Store Bewertung : 4.9

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With a flat £3 fee, always the live exchange rate, and an app designed just for you, moving money across borders has never been so easy.

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Atlantic Money - Flat fee & live exch. rates

With a flat £3 fee, always the live exchange rate, and an app designed just for you, moving money across borders has never been so easy.

We always convert your money at a live rate, just like Google. We’ve built direct connections with the world’s interbank exchanges, so you’ll always get the best available exchange rate.

All you pay is a flat £3 fee – and send up to £1 million. Always at the live rate, with zero markup. You’ll save up to 99% compared to any other money transfer company.

Transfer between nine currencies today, like US Dollar and Euro. We’ll deliver your funds directly to your recipient’s bank account.

Your money moves at the speed of life. Standard delivery takes just a few days. And we’ve got instant delivery when you need it.

We’re authorised as a payment institution by the FCA. And we take our responsibility to protect your funds seriously by operating safeguarding accounts with licensed institutions.

Atlantic Money Alternatives


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