Chipper - Send or Request Cash in Africa

from United States of America (the) 

Neobank - Private

App Store Bewertung : 4.3

Founded in 2018

Join over 5 million people securely sending and receiving money with Chipper Cash. Great app to send and receive money across a number of countries, highly recommended as a money transfer alternative.

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Chipper - Send or Request Cash in Africa

Send and receive money the fast, free and easy way. Transfer funds across town or across Africa, right from your mobile phone.

What is Chipper Cash?

Chipper Cash is a cross-border payments app, where over 3 million people send & receive money in and between Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, and now available in United Kingdom (UK). Enjoy free local transfers and the lowest cross-border rates.

Chipper Cash is bringing Africa together, one transaction at a time. Everyday we “chip away” at the financial problems facing people across Africa & around the world.

Send & Receive Money

Just say no to massive fees or traveling to a bank or agent just to send and receive money. Instantly transfer between your accounts for free. Get paid faster, with zero fees!

No-Fee Money Transfers

Move your money between Chipper Cash and any bank, mobile money account absolutely free!

Buy Discounted Airtime & Earn Cashback

Purchase discounted Airtime and earn 2% or more CashBack instantly. Get Airtime for yourself, or send to a friend, even send it internationally!

Pay Bills Instantly for Free

Pay bills with no extra fees charged. Chipper Bill Pay is so easy, that you may even start paying your friend's bills. Bills are a hassle, Chipper is simple, easy and free.

Earn with Chipper

Earn cash by sharing Chipper with friends and colleagues. They get a cash bonus too. No limits!

Pay Anyone / Get Paid, Instantly

Run a business and need to pay local and international suppliers? Pay instantly with Chipper and save big on transaction fees.

Shopping online for the perfect accessory, pay with Chipper and get those dream items without the nightmare fees.

Studying abroad and need tuition and pocket money from home? Chipper saves your family money and you get the funds instantly.

Stay informed

Chipper is constantly expanding. Keep updated on the latest features, deals and countries

Facebook / Instagram / Twitter: @chippercashapp

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