EQ Bank -

from Canada 

Bank - Public

App Store Bewertung : 4.8

Founded in 1970


Smart banking that earns more

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EQ Bank -

Tired of the take? Then it’s time to MAKE BANK—from anywhere—using the EQ Bank mobile app*.

Some other banks take and take when they should be helping you make. That’s why at EQ Bank, we offer high interest on every dollar—without ever taking monthly fees. You can do all of your everyday banking tasks like check your account balances, deposit cheques, transfer funds, pay bills, and send money with our redesigned user-friendly mobile app. You can also buy a GIC in seconds (learn more at the website below) and so much more with updated features to help you manage your money.

And that’s not all. There’s no paperwork, no accounts you don’t need, and no minimum balance restrictions, just seamless digital banking—and a dedicated Customer Care team that’s available well past brick-and-mortar business hours.

Download the EQ Bank mobile app for iOS today. If you already have an EQ Bank account, sign in using your email address and password. If you don’t have an account, you can sign up right from the app. It only takes a few minutes!


EQ Bank collects, uses, and discloses the information that you provide to us in accordance with your account agreement(s) with us and our Privacy Agreement, available at eqbank.ca/legal/Privacy-Agreement.


Supports English and French (Quebec only)


When you select to install the EQ Bank mobile app, you consent to the installation of this app and to any future updates or upgrades, which may be automatically installed depending on your device or operation system’s settings or the settings you have selected. You can withdraw your consent at any time by uninstalling this app. For help removing or disabling the EQ Bank mobile app, you can contact us using the information listed below.

EQ Bank does not sell, promote, or otherwise provide financial services or products referred to in this app outside of Canada. You should not access this app if you are not a resident of Canada. Some services are not available to Quebec residents.

*The EQ Bank mobile app is operated by EQ Bank. EQ Bank is a trade name of Equitable Bank.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 1-844-437-2265, or email us at contact@eqbank.ca.

Learn more at eqbank.ca.

EQ Bank Alternatives


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