Ferratum - Smart banking starts here.

from Finland 


App store Ranking : 3.8

Gegründet im Jahr 2005

Public | FRA:MULT 116.2M

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Ferratum - Smart banking starts here.

Banking made for you—safe, easy, and free. Ferratum gives you the freedom to manage your finances anytime, anywhere. From a no-fee bank account* to flexible saving and payment options, our app is designed with your needs in mind.

Ferratum fulfils consumers’ small, short-term, unplanned financial needs. By doing so, Ferratum gives customers more freedom to finance their lifestyles on their own terms through solutions appropriate to individual financial circumstances.

What’s in the Ferratum App:


Open an account with no monthly or annual fees*.

Get a virtual Mastercard Debit Card for everyday payments.


Apply for a virtual Mastercard Credit Card with up to 60 days interest-free.

Enjoy your preferred contactless payments directly from your mobile.


Flexible Savings Account: Keep your money accessible while earning interest.

Fixed-Term Account: Lock in competitive rates for long-term savings*.


Your funds are safeguarded up to €100,000 with bank deposit protection*.

Advanced app security protects your money and personal data.

Download the app today and see the difference.

About Ferratum

Nordic-born and globally focused – smart digital financing for consumers

Founded in Nordic FinTech roots, Ferratum delivers modern, responsible banking that's just plain friendly. Operating globally for almost two decades across 13 countries, Ferratum fulfils consumers' small, short-term, unplanned financial needs. We give customers more freedom to finance their lifestyles on their terms through solutions appropriate to individual financial circumstances. Established in 2005, Ferratum is the oldest business unit on the Multitude platform.

Ferratum embodies the essence of Nordic innovation and stands at the forefront of modern finance. Whether it's extra financing or friendly customer support, we've got you covered.

Say goodbye to complex processes and hello to straightforward financing.

Ferratum - Nordic Simplicity, Uncomplicated Finances.

* Transaction fees may apply for additional services.

* Multitude Bank p.l.c. is part of the Maltese Deposit Guarantee Scheme.

* 3.20% p.a. fixed interest on savings over a 12-month term. Interest is paid annually. EUR 50 minimum deposit. Terms and conditions available upon request.

Ferratum is a service provided by Multitude Bank p.l.c. Multitude Bank p.l.c. is a public limited company, registered under the laws of Malta with number C56251, with its registered address at ST Business Centre 120, The Strand, Gzira, GZR 1027, Malta. Multitude Bank p.l.c. is licensed as a credit institution by the Malta Financial Services Authority. You can contact us through our website or app. Ferratum’s terms of use, price list and service description are available on our website.

Multitude Bank p.l.c. is a participant of the Depositor Compensation Scheme in Malta, established under Legal Notice 383 of 2015 which covers deposits up to EUR 100 000.

Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.

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