Founded in 2008
Every day thousands and thousands of people invest in Apple, Google, Netflix to have a steady income. We work with them, and we will be happy to work with you!
Freedom24, an international online investment platform
Freedom to save and invest. Join our 400,000 community of European investors on your own investment journey. Create your portfolio, use our award-winning investment ideas, and get daily accruals on your uninvested cash balance with savings D-account: 3.9% in EUR and 5.3% in USD.
Create a balanced and liquid portfolio by investing in more than 1 million stocks, ETFs, bonds, and stock options from 15 global stock exchanges in the US, Europe and Asia.
Earn 3.9% p.a. in EUR and 5.3% p.a. in USD with daily accruals through our open-term D-account*. Amplify your assets even more with long-term money placement plans, offering returns of up to 8.8% in USD and up to 6.4% in EUR.**
Stay informed with the investment ideas based on strategic market research conducted by Freedom24 award-winning analysts. The service is available to our clients free of charge.
Use our powerful mobile app to open and close trades, track quotations and price charts in real time, access convenient currency exchange tools and stay informed with our smart market news feed.
Operating all across the EU, Freedom24 has dedicated local teams based in Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Spain, Poland, Greece, the Netherlands, Bulgaria and Cyprus, who are there to provide personalized support on every step of your way.
Freedom Finance Europe Ltd., an operating company of Freedom24, is a licensed EU broker. We comply with the European regulatory framework, including MiFID II, and work with trusted counteragents, like Euroclear, to ensure the safety of your investments and funds. Through our NASDAQ-listed holding company, we are also accountable to the SEC.
Investments in financial securities always carry the risk of capital loss. Forecasts and past performance are no guarantee of future results.
*D-account interest rates are based on floating SOFR and EURIBOR rates for funds in USD and EUR, respectively. **The yield for the 12-months fixed-term placement plan is calculated as 1.5x SOFR and EURIBOR rates for funds in USD and EUR, respectively. For the 3- and 6-months placements, 1.1 and 1.25 ratios are applied. Placements exceeding 100,000 USD/EUR receive a bonus of up to 0.8% p.a., depending on the currency and the placement term. The mentioned interests represent the maximum yields as of January 14, 2024.
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