Hargreaves Lansdown - Save & invest with confidence

from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) 

Broker - Private

App Store Bewertung : 4.7

Founded in 1981


Hargreaves Lansdown is an award-winning investment and active saving service that can save you time and money - explore our ISAs, pensions, investments and active savings accounts.

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Hargreaves Lansdown - Save & invest with confidence

The UK’s biggest investment platform for individual investors in the palm of your hand.

Follow the markets and manage your investments on the move with the all-new app from HL. Fast, easy-to-use and packed with the features you’ve been asking for.

Easy account management

• Turn on Touch ID login for fast, secure access to your portfolio

• See the family’s accounts all in one place with linked accounts

• Top up your account or withdraw money on the go

Faster, simpler trading

• Stay up to date with free live UK share prices (HL clients only)

• Trade thousands of UK shares & bonds, and over 2,500 funds

• Trade overseas shares from Europe, the US and Canada

• Set stop loss & limit orders so you don’t miss trading opportunities

Discover investment opportunities

• Track your favourite investments or create virtual portfolios with watchlists

• Access improved fund and share factsheets with more data and insight than ever before

• View full FTSE 100 and other UK indices, plus global index levels including Dow Jones, NASDAQ and Nikkei 225. Plus major commodity and currency markets

• Read the latest research from HL’s team of investment experts plus global market reports, newspaper round-ups and insight

• Get the business and economic headlines from the world’s leading news outlets with HL Newsroom

Investments can fall in value as well as rise so you could get back less than you invest. Tax rules can change and any reliefs depend on your circumstances.

Have questions, problems or feedback? Please get in touch at app@hl.co.uk

Hargreaves Lansdown is a FTSE listed company and the UK’s number 1 platform for private investors. For more than 35 years we have helped investors save time, tax and money on their investments. Our services include fund and share dealing, Stocks & Shares ISA, pensions (SIPP), retirement services, financial advice and more. Find out more on our website www.hl.co.uk

Hargreaves Lansdown Asset Management Ltd, One College Square South, Anchor Road, Bristol, BS1 5HL, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Register number 115248. Registered in England and Wales. Registration number: 1896481.

Hargreaves Lansdown Alternatives


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