Hay - Money at life-speed.

from Australia 

Neobank - Private

App store Ranking : 3.7

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Hay - Money at life-speed.

Imagine a world of money where there’s no everyday fees, security at your fingertips, Visa foreign exchange rates with no fees, instant payments between your accounts and your friends, and transaction data that keeps you more informed than ever before.

Say goodbye to the old. Say hello to Hay.

Live fee-lessly

• No setup fees

• No hidden fees

• No account keeping fees

• No domestic ATM fees

• No foreign exchange fees

• No international transaction fees

Biodegradable card

• Made from 85% biodegradable material – an Australian first

• As traditional bank cards are not recyclable, our cards are designed to break down when in biologically active landfill. That means you can easily dispose of it in your Red Sulo bin

• Paired with our fully compostable and recyclable sugar cane bi-product packaging we aim for a minimal carbon footprint

Money at life-speed

• Add your card to Apple Pay immediately, no need to wait for your physical card! Start spending in seconds

• Direct Debits – Use your BSB and Account Number for payments to be debited by billers with ease

• HayPay – send and receive money in seconds to other Hay users right from your contacts

• Pay instantly through the New Payments Platform

• Real-time push notifications for all transactions with balances

• Receive your card quickly with priority mail

• 10x your money management with up to 10 HayStack sub-accounts

• Pay bills the easy way with BPAY

• Spend online without needing to keep your physical card nearby with in-app card details

• EasyTrack lets you set and forget your budgets with spend alerts. Easily manage budgets for those family road trips, staycations or just a night out with friends

TinyBig referral rewards

• Refer only 1 friend to activate 1% non-stop cashback every month for all purchases $10 or less, for the life of your account

In app security

• Biometric and fingerprint enabled

• In app card details

• Freeze/unfreeze physical card

• Freeze/unfreeze Apple Pay

• Turn on/off contactless

• Turn on/off magstripe

• Turn on/off overseas transactions

• View/change PIN code

• 24/7 real-time fraud monitoring


• Enriched payment information with:

- merchant logo

- merchant contact info

- map location

- auto categorisation

- time

• Simply search all transactions (merchant, location, category, time)

• Everyday insights with monthly budget monitoring


• Travel insights mode – see local currency and track your budget as you travel

• Visa foreign exchange rate

• No fee, no spread, no margin

• No international transaction fees

• No international ATM withdrawals fees up to $500/month, 1.5% per withdrawal thereafter

This information is general in nature. Before acquiring a Hay account and Hay card, make sure it is right for you by reading the terms and conditions and disclosure document.

Hay Ltd ABN 34 629 037 403 is operating under an Australian Financial Services licence 515459. Hay® is a registered trademark of Hay Limited.

Hay Alternatives


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