Gegründet 2015
No review, issue Visa prepaid card in 1 minute (free). You can immediately start your smartphone payment at the store or shopping online.
Pay smoothly with a Kyash Visa card or smartphone payment that can be used anywhere.
Pre-payment of the amount used from the bank account. The history used is immediately reflected in the app and automatically classified into categories.
You can understand the trends of shopping in real time and don't worry about overuse.
【How do you use it? 】
1) Download the app and issue a Kyash Visa card (real cards must be applied separately)
2) Register and deposit a bank account or credit card or debit card
3) Shopping at city stores and net shops
4) History is immediately reflected in the app and automatically classified into categories so you can see at a glance how much you are using
【What are the characteristics of Kyash? 】
■Kyash Visa card available anywhere
・Can be used anywhere with Visa merchants such as convenience stores, supermarkets and drugstores
・Available for online shopping
・Apple Pay is also supported and QUICPay + Smurts and settlements smoothly at member stores.
■Kyash Card up to 1% point reduction
・When you deposit and settle from a bank account or convenience store ATM, you will earn 1% of the settlement amount of Kyash points.
・Granted immediately and can be used just like cash
■Kyash Rewards function for further point reduction
【Kyash Visa カードとは?】
Kyash Visaカードのラインナップは、「Kyash Card」「Kyash Card Lite」「Kyash Card Virtual」の3種類。「Kyash Card」または「Kyash Card Lite」を申し込むと、リアルカードが郵送で届きます。
■「Kyash Card」について
・「Kyash Card Lite」 「Kyash Card Virtual」に比べて高い上限額で利用可能です
本アプリにおける懸賞はKyash(運営:株式会社Kyash)が独自に行うものであり、Apple Inc.及びApple Japan Inc.とは一切関係ありません。
Kyashは、「価値移動」のサービス・インフラを開発・提供するテクノロジー・カンパニーで、デジタルウォレットアプリ「Kyash」と同期して進化した次世代のカード「Kyash Card」を提供しています。
【Official web site 】
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