Maya Bank - BSP-licensed banking and more

from Philippines (the) 

Neobank - Private

App Store Bewertung : 4.7

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Discover Maya Bank, the leading digital bank in the Philippines. Secure online banking, high-interest savings, and seamless transactions. Join us today!

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Maya Bank - BSP-licensed banking and more

Know why it feels good to get banked with Maya? You can earn up to 15% interest p.a. everyday, loan up to P250,000 instantly, use your Maya card worldwide, and scan any QR Ph to pay for anything. So when people say it's my money, my bank, my way, you can be sure they mean Maya.​


BSP-licensed banking with a twist? You bet. Enjoy up to 15% interest p.a. credited to you everyday, so you can see your money literally growing every 24 hours.​​​


When you're ready for some big life upgrades, get a Personal Loan of up to P250,000 instantly or use Maya Easy Credit to borrow up to P18,000 and give your everyday budget a boost. Approval is subject to credit evaluation.​


All the wallet features you need to send money, pay your bills, and more are right here, too. Get a Maya card and use it worldwide or go to your favorite local shops and scan any QR Ph to pay conveniently.​


You’ve got plenty of ways to explore your money's potential. Buy, sell, and trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other popular cryptocurrencies for as low as P1 or try Maya Funds and invest in world-famous companies for just P50.​​

Maya is a proudly licensed bank regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor. ​​​

For concerns, go to your app and visit the Help Center in your profile. You may also call us from 8 AM to 7 PM daily:​

• (+632) 8845 7788​​

• 1800 1084 57788 toll-free​​

• *788 for free using Smart​​

Maya Bank Alternatives


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