Gegründet im Jahr 2020
With Mox, every day counts as we’re here to help you grow your money, your world, your possibilities. Join Generation Mox now to experience a new way of smarter banking, saving and spending.
Before kick-starting your Mox experience, we’d like to introduce who we are. Mox is a virtual bank backed by Standard Chartered, in partnership with HKT, PCCW and​
+ Open an account in as fast as 3 minutes
Open your account now from the convenience of your phone, all it takes is your HKID Card and Hong Kong address. No more queuing or pages and pages of documents to sign. And it’s free with no minimum balance requirements.
+ Get Mox Credit. It’s better than a credit card
Apply for Mox Credit and get an application decision in real-time*, and once approved, start spending right away! There’s no annual fee and no minimum spend requirements. To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!
*In some circumstances, we may require you to provide supporting documents when you apply for Mox Credit. The approval time for Mox Credit is subject to individual circumstances.
+ Make expenses more manageable
Mox Credit lets you split eligible transactions into more manageable instalments over a period of up to 36 months. You can also ‘Flip’ between spending from your Mox Account (debit) and Mox Credit on the same Mox Card, all it takes is a tap!
+ One Mox Card does it all
Numberless, no expiry date or CVV on the physical card, reducing your risk of losing personal information. With the Mox Card, you can also withdraw cash at JETCO ATM for free.
+ No waiting, instant use
Access your digital card right away using the Mox app or add it to Apple Pay. Use the card number in the app instantly for online purchases and more!
+ Every day is an interest-earning day
Get closer to the Goals you're saving for with daily interest on all your money with Mox, no matter how small. Real-time monitoring of the daily interest paid to your Mox Account and Goals every day, even on weekends and public holidays.
+ Grow your savings your preferred way
Set up your Saving Goals, name them as you like and track your progress in real-time. Use the Savings Calculator to automate your saving habits.
+ Move money on the go
Pay, receive and request money from anyone, anywhere in Hong Kong.
+ Safety first
Get instant notifications and 24/7 monitoring of all transactions. Strong encryption, biometric login, Lost Wallet and E-Commerce Fraud Protection – all to protect your account, transactions and personal information.
+ Your money protected
Mox is a member of the Deposit Protection Scheme in HK with protection up to HKD500,000.
+ Customer Service – your way, the VIP way
We are available 24/7, and wherever you need us. Reach us directly in the app using voice call or use the in-app chat. It's up to you.
+ Don’t just take our word for it:
"Standard Chartered: Spearheading a cutting-edge virtual bank [..] redefining Hong Kong's financial sector. " - Fintech Magazine
Sie haben Fragen? Wir haben die Antworten.
Offenlegung von Partnerschaften Anstelle von Werbebannern und Paywalls verdient Neobanque Geld durch Partnerlinks zu den verschiedenen Zahlungsdienstleistern, die auf unserer Website vorgestellt werden. Obwohl wir hart daran arbeiten, den Markt nach den besten Angeboten zu durchforsten, können wir nicht alle möglichen Produkte berücksichtigen, die Ihnen zur Verfügung stehen. Unser umfangreiches Angebot an vertrauenswürdigen Affiliate-Partnern ermöglicht es uns, detaillierte, unvoreingenommene und lösungsorientierte Empfehlungen für alle Arten von Verbraucherfragen und -problemen zu geben. Auf diese Weise können wir unsere Nutzer mit den richtigen Anbietern für ihre Bedürfnisse zusammenbringen und auf diese Weise unsere Anbieter mit neuen Kunden zusammenbringen, so dass alle Beteiligten davon profitieren. Auch wenn wir für einige Links auf Monito eine Provision erhalten, hat diese Tatsache keinen Einfluss auf die Unabhängigkeit und Integrität unserer Meinungen, Empfehlungen und Bewertungen.
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