Opay - We are beyond Banking

from Nigeria 

Neobank - Private

App store Ranking : 4

Founded in 2018

OPay gives you the freedom to get more. Our solutions make payments easier, transfers free, savings more rewarding and gives you cashback on airtime and data top-ups. With 100% network uptime, you can make payments in seconds without transaction failure. Enjoy a better life with OPay.

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Opay - We are beyond Banking

OPay is a popular and leading financial service company in Nigeria with tens of millions of users who trust, rely on, and use the platform. With mission to make financial services more inclusive through technology, OPay is dedicated to providing secure, easy to use & affordable financial services with super fast user experience, amazing incentive package on transfer/airtime & data top-up, innovative product to use as balance with amazing daily interest, reliable debit card with no charge and best resolution experience etc. With OPay account, you can have full control of your finances, payments & transactions with ease, all on one platform! Yes, OPay is your one-stop payment services platform and more.

What you’ll enjoy:

- Instant account opening and welcome bonus

- Instant transfer

- Airtime/Data Top-up with Cashback

- Owealth to use as balance and with amazing daily interest

- The most convenient and reliable debit card

- Quick customer service (Accessible via online and physical channels)


Other benefits of OPay

- Open an account instantly

- An all-in-one app for bill payments, airtime, data, betting, electricity, TV and other services.

- The OPay debit card:

- Convenient——Apply via in-app or get instantly at a nearby OPay agent

- Free——Zero fee (ATM withdrawrals&maintenance)

- Accepted Everywhere——Accepted at any POS, ATM&online channel

- Grow your money and save with OPay:(Powered by BlueRidge Microfinance Bank)

- OWealth: With owealth, you can get amazing daily interest on your funds while having full access and control of the money. Make transactions at any time without affecting your interest!

- Spend & Save: Helps you create healthy savings habits as you can save a percentage of money spent or transferred and get daily returns on your savings.

- Fixed Saving: Helps you achieve specific goals or projects with ease as you can save for as short as 7 days and get amazing interest.


OPay is safe and secure

- Licensed by CBN, insured by NDIC, and trusted by tens of millions of users

- All transactions are encrypted, secured, and reliable

- Use private mode to hide your account balance

- You can easily block your account or card via the USSD short code, *955*131# or *955*132#

Contact us

We have a dedicated support team available 24/7 for all your questions and complaints.

Helplines: 0700 8888 328 or 020 18888 328

Website: www.opayweb.com

Whatsapp: +234 9165998936

Facebook: @Nigeria.Opay

Twitter: @OPay_NG

Instagram: @opay.ng

TikTok: @opaynigeria

YouTube: @opaynigeria

LinkedIn: OPay

Opay Alternatives


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