Sony Bank - Open a bank account in English

from Japan 

Neobank - Private

App store Ranking : 2.9

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With seamless payments in and outside of Japan, multiple currencies through one card, and online hassle-free banking on the go.

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Sony Bank - Open a bank account in English

Open an account in English with the Sony Bank Open Account app

Designed especially for international residents of Japan, the Sony Bank Open Account app provides you with a safe and secure way to open a bank account.

This app allows you to scan required documents, enter your personal information and submit your application directly from your smartphone in one sitting.

The Sony Bank Open Account app is not available outside of Japan. Applications made from outside of Japan cannot be accepted.

How to Apply for a Sony Bank Account

Step 1: Install the app

Step 2: Scan the required documents and enter your information

Step 3: Set the required passwords

Step 4: Submit your application

Step 5: Receive the application confirmation email from Sony Bank

* Only international residents of Japan can open an account with the Sony Bank Open Account app.

* Each customer is limited to one Sony Bank account.

* Please note that U.S. citizens or those with jurisdiction of residence in countries other than Japan will be required to submit additional documentation.

* Please make sure you have read and understood our terms and conditions.

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