Sumeria - Simple & secure online account

from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) 

Neobank - Private

App Store Bewertung : 4.2

Gegründet im Jahr 2011

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Sumeria - Simple & secure online account

The online account you've been waiting for to handle everything online.

*Earn 4%*

Receive interest on all your money, even the one in your main current account, paid every month net of taxes.

*Designed to please you*

Choose the card that suits you: classic or premium black. Then choose the leather cardholder that matches your style: cowhide, python, leopard?

And after each card spend, quickly scratch your lottery ticket to see if you've won reimbursement for your payment.

*Old-fashioned 2.0*

Very simple and quick to grasp, Sumeria's banking app is nevertheless a concentration of latest-generation technology, which provides you with maximum security without compromising your everyday comfort.

*The essentials, right away*

Your bank wires are sent and received instantly, free of charge, and your payment receipts as well as your account are updated just after each transaction. So you always know where you stand.

*Simplicity through innovation*

Activate Apple Pay, to pay with your iPhone or Apple Watch, with just a gesture and securely. And pay online with a Sumeria Visa single-use card that you can create with a click, and which will self-destruct right after the payment, for guaranteed security.

The ultimate: activate the iOS widget on your locked home screen to check your balance at a glance.

*Your money, simply*

Always pay with your Sumeria card, even at the other end of the world, and even if it’s in an unpronounceable currency. You'll never have any surprises since there are no exchange fees.

And become an organization expert by simply using multiple budget envelopes for your shopping or vacations.

*Guaranteed security*

Sumeria is an independent European institution, founded in 2011, and approved by the French bank regulator to provide payment and financing services. Like in all banks, your money is covered by the FGDR, up to €100,000.


Open now one or more online accounts, for you, your couple, your family, or your roommate, without any commitment, and for free. You'll receive your card at home in a week. And if you need assistance, an advisor will accompany you.


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