Ubank - Spend. Save. Earn.

from Australia 

Neobank - Private

App Store Bewertung : 4.7

Founded in 2008

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Ubank - Spend. Save. Earn.

Ubank is an everyday money app with banking and budgeting tools that help you get ahead with money.

Signing up with a bonus code? Enter your code and make 5 eligible card purchases in your first 30 days to earn your signup bonus. See full terms below.

No matter where you’re starting from, ubank has loads of savvy features to help you do everyday money better, including:

- No monthly fees and no overseas or international transaction fees from ubank.

- Easy to unlock bonus interest on Save accounts, with a monthly $200 deposit (on balances up to $250K per customer). Withdraw money without affecting your bonus interest rate.

- Connected Accounts, to display your other bank accounts and their balances in the ubank app.

- Instant digital cards so you can start spending straight away with your digital wallet.

- Bill prediction to notify you when your regular expenses are coming up.

- Shared Accounts for rent or romance, so you can share money with your partner-in-finance.

- Save Targets with an Autosave option, to help you save like a machine for your goals.

- A Spending Footprint that tracks your spending in easy to follow categories.

Ubank also supports you in the big moments, with flexible home loans for owner-occupiers, investors, and refinancing your loan. Apply with ubank for a comfortable loan with easy application, fast approval and great customer support along the way.

Download the app and get started in minutes with a Spend and Save account.


Ubank is part of the NAB Group and uses advanced encryption technology to protect your money.

Ubank is open to Australian citizens and permanent residents aged 16 or older, with at least one form of ID (Australian driver licence, passport, Medicare card or birth certificate).

This is general information and doesn't take your personal situation into account. Please take the time to make sure it’s right for you.

Read our General Terms at

Read our Target Market Determinations at

Read our Bonus Offer terms at

Apple, the Apple logo and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Products issued by ubank, part of National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686.

Ubank Alternatives


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