Yettel.Bank -

from Serbia 

Bank - Private

App Store Bewertung : 5

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Yettel Bank is the first real mobile and digital bank in the region, which is completely designed for you, and that's why we always strive to provide you with unique offers on the market and enable sustainable development.

Yettel.Bank app screenshoot 2
Yettel.Bank app screenshoot 1

Yettel.Bank -

Yettel Bank je prva prava mobilna i digitalna banka u regionu, koja je potpuno prilagođena tebi i zato uvek nastoji da ti pruži jedinstvene ponude na tržištu.

Upoznaj ažuriranu prvu verziju Yettel Bank aplikacije i istraži:

• Račune na klik;

• Upravljanje karticom (promena PIN koda, aktivacija, (de)blokada i zamena kartice);

• Trajni nalog sa promenljivim iznosom;

• Brzo i jednostavno korišćenje uz najmoderniji dizajn aplikacije;

• Tamni i svetli režim rada;

• Biometriju za logovanje i odobravanje transakcija, za viši nivo bezbednosti;

• Brzi pregled svih aktivnih proizvoda na početnom ekranu;

• Odjavu iz aplikacije protresanjem telefona;

• Menjačnica - kupovina i prodaja valute (RSD, EUR i USD);

• Čet sa operaterom u mobilnoj aplikaciji.

Uskoro stiže nova verzija sa još više funkcionalnosti, kao što su upravljanje limitima, push notifikacije, dopuna kredita i mnoge druge.

Yettel Bank is the first true mobile and digital bank in the region, which is completely designed for you and therefore always strives to provide you with unique offers on the market.

Meet the updated first version of the Yettel Bank app and explore:

• Bills on click;

• Card management (PIN change, activation, (de)block and change card) and direct debit;

• Standing order with a variable amount;

• Quick and easy to use with the most modern application design;

• Dark and light mode;

• Biometrics for logging in and approving transactions, for a higher level of security;

• Smart overview of all active products on the home screen;

• Log out of the application by shaking the phone;

• Exchange - buying and selling currency (RSD, EUR and USD);

• Chat with the operator in the mobile application.

A new version with even more functionalities is coming soon, such as limit management, push notifications, top-up and many others.

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