Gegründet 2017
Zeta is revolutionizing personal finance for couples and families. We offer modern-day joint and personal bank accounts designed to help families thrive.
Zeta Accounts are spending & saving bank accounts designed to grow with you.
When you sign up, you get one joint bank account, two debit cards, and a mobile app with tons of smart automation to help your family thrive. Plus, there are no monthly fees, overdraft fees, or minimum balances.
Opening a joint bank account is quick and painless with Zeta. It takes 5 minutes or less!
Sign up and invite your partner - so they can confirm their info
Receive your own Zeta Cards (virtual & physical debit cards for each of you)
Start saving and spending as a team!
Here’s how a Zeta joint bank account can help you can master money as a team:
Pay bills, save for goals & track shared spending — all in one place. Zeta can also work seamlessly alongside your existing accounts.
Zeta can take on your money chores. We’ll remember when your bills are due & even pay them for you. Plus our envelope system breaks down your balance showing you exactly what’s available to spend, set aside for your bills or earmarked for your goals.
No more asking if a check cleared or what that mystery charge is. We show you exactly whose card was used, let you message each other in-app about specific transactions or even leave a memory or receipt on a transaction. Our goal is to make it easy for you to stay on the same page about your finances.
Your dedicated Zeta Concierge is here to help you get the most out Zeta. They’ll help you navigate your account, understand how to use new features, and support your team. No more waiting on hold or re-explaining your issue to a different department.
You can even add-on a personal account (if you need one) to help you separate your individual and shared finances. And coming soon, you’ll be able to add additional people to your joint account such as owners, companions & friends.
Your Zeta Account is FDIC-insured at $250,000 per depositor (up to $500,000 for your joint account). Plus security measures like AES 256-bit encryption, two factor authentication, and Touch or Face ID (on supported devices), keep your data secure. We don’t store your financial login credentials and will never sell your data.
With your Zeta Account, you can also:
- Access 55,000+ fee-free ATMs
- Earn interest on your account balance when you set up qualifying direct deposits or keep a minimum daily balance of $5000
- Receive daily balance alerts & instant transaction notifications
- Save easily for all your goals with sub-accounts & automated savings
- Set aside money for bills & let Zeta pay them for you
- Know how much of your account balance is safe or “available to spend”
- Use virtual cards & in-app controls
- Add your Zeta debit card to your digital wallet
- Make payments via check, ACH & wires (pending eligibility)
We know that every couple and relationship is different, and that opening a joint bank account can be an important decision. No matter how you manage your shared finances, Zeta Joint Accounts can help you better navigate the financial issues that trouble any relationship.
Learn more:
For more information about how we protect your information see our privacy policy:
Zeta Help Inc. is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services provided by Piermont Bank; Member FDIC. All deposit accounts of the same ownership and/or vesting held at the issuing bank are combined and insured under an FDIC Certificate of $250,000 per depositor and up to $500,000. The Zeta Mastercard® Debit Card is issued by Piermont Bank, Member FDIC, and can be used everywhere Mastercard is accepted.
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