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Enjoy fair FX rates, local IBANs, and send and receive money in 65+ currencies – it’s fast, secure, with no transaction limits. Open an account today.
Pay and get paid faster in 190+ countries with an International Business account.
3S Money is an all-in-one online business account and payment platform designed to help businesses expand their payment capabilities globally.
With our local IBANs and local payment solutions, you confidently send & receive high-value payments, hold and exchange up to 65 currencies* and work with a dedicated Relationship Manager who intimately knows your business.
Fast, flexible global payment solutions
- Enjoy rapid processing times and full payment support from a dedicated Relationship Manager.
- Send and receive large international payments in 190+ countries via SWIFT and SEPA powered by local IBANs.
Protect against FX risk
- Accept customer payments and pay salaries, suppliers, and overheads in local currencies with fair and competitive FX fees.
- Make one-time payments in local currencies with fair FX rates and instant settlement.
- Open local currency accounts to accept payments with no hidden FX fees.
Take control of your cash flow
- Real-time payment notifications and multi-currency balance updates.
- Instantly approve outgoing payments from any account user.
- Deposit incoming payments into your preferred account with one click.
Your money is always safe
- We’re regulated and licenced in the UK (FCA), EU (CSSF) and Dubai (DFSA DIFC)
- Our corresponding banking partners safeguard your funds and retain 100% liquidity.
- We use 2-factor authentication and industry-standard encryption and work with top-tier banking partners to make sure you pay and get paid on time, every time.
Premium client support
- Work with a dedicated Relationship Manager to help navigate new payment routes and maximise your margins on every transfer.
- We speak 35 languages and provide human client support across seven international offices.
*Head to for more information on your accounts, services and currency coverage.
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Offenlegung von Partnerschaften Anstelle von Werbebannern und Paywalls verdient Neobanque Geld durch Partnerlinks zu den verschiedenen Zahlungsdienstleistern, die auf unserer Website vorgestellt werden. Obwohl wir hart daran arbeiten, den Markt nach den besten Angeboten zu durchforsten, können wir nicht alle möglichen Produkte berücksichtigen, die Ihnen zur Verfügung stehen. Unser umfangreiches Angebot an vertrauenswürdigen Affiliate-Partnern ermöglicht es uns, detaillierte, unvoreingenommene und lösungsorientierte Empfehlungen für alle Arten von Verbraucherfragen und -problemen zu geben. Auf diese Weise können wir unsere Nutzer mit den richtigen Anbietern für ihre Bedürfnisse zusammenbringen und auf diese Weise unsere Anbieter mit neuen Kunden zusammenbringen, so dass alle Beteiligten davon profitieren. Auch wenn wir für einige Links auf Monito eine Provision erhalten, hat diese Tatsache keinen Einfluss auf die Unabhängigkeit und Integrität unserer Meinungen, Empfehlungen und Bewertungen.
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