Kontist - Banking For The Self-Employed

from Germany

Neobank -

App Store Bewertung : 4.6

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Kostenloses, digitales Geschäftskonto, das automatisch deine Steuern berechnet. ➜ Jetzt Kontist Konto eröffnen.

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Kontist - Banking For The Self-Employed

Kontist is a business bank account exclusively for freelancers and self-employed. Kontist takes the guesswork out of your finances. Starting with automated taxes & VAT forecasts and reserves.


- Automatically calculate tax and VAT for each new income

- Timely notifications about new transactions

- Access your transactions anytime

- Connect your bookkeeping


Kontist uses industry best practices, is PSD2 compliant, and ensures your account information is always safe and secure. The bank account is BaFin regulated and insured under the EU Deposit Protection Fund of up to €100,000.


Kontist is built by freelancers for freelancers.

We believe self-employed and freelancers will shape the future of work. Challenging corporate structures, embracing individuality, and building successful businesses. Today, freelancers don’t get the help they need. In particular when it comes to the complexity of their finances. Kontist provides the banking services freelancers deserve.

We always love to hear feedback, ideas, and questions. You can reach us at support@kontist.com.

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