Mynt - Smart Corporate Card

from Sweden

Neobank -

App Store Bewertung : 4.2

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The card that sends the receipts right into your accounting software. Mynt offers smart cards for businesses and financing for next-generation businesses.

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Mynt - Smart Corporate Card

We are here to help the next generation of companies grow. Today's companies have a completely different expectation about how things should work, and what you as an entrepreneur should spend time on. Manual administration, paperwork, complicated tools, belong to history. The companies of the future want simple tools, which help the company to succeed, and where the company has full control. Our platform, built with modern software, linked to both banking and accounting, makes it easy for companies to get their expenses in order, administer their company cards themselves, have control in real time, and have access to flexible financing. Companies are building the future, and we are building the best possible financial platform to help companies on that journey.

Get started:

Download app and register with BankID in minutes.

Corporate card:

The app comes with a corporate card. Order a new card or connect a card if you have already received a card. Use as prepaid or credit.

Expense management:

Included easy to use photo and tracking. Use with any accounting systems, but can be fully integrated with select accounting systems like Fortnox, Visma and PE Accounting.

Perks and loyalty:

Relevant benefits and rebates when using the card. Spending categories like travel, wellbeing, tech, and supplies.

Line of credit:

For approved businesses, a pay only for what you use, revolving line of credit.


Swedish business (AB, HB or EF). Mynt is an over the top product, and can be used regardless of current bank or accounting system. The person signing up needs to be able to sign for the business.

Mynt Alternatives


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