Juno - Buy Bitcoin & Litecoin

from United States of America (the)

Wallet - Private

App store Ranking : 3.7

Gegründet 2019

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Juno - Buy Bitcoin & Litecoin

Juno is the easiest way to go from cash to your favorite crypto networks like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Litecoin, Polygon, and more. We’re trusted by 300,000+ crypto natives in the US.

Supported chains:

Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), Litecoin (LTC), Polygon (MATIC), Ripple (XRP), and more

Send crypto to your favorite self custodial wallets:

MetaMask Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, Rainbow Wallet, Ledger Wallet, and any other self custodial wallet

Why do crypto natives love Juno?

1. One App for Cash and Crypto: Enjoy the convenience of handling both your traditional currency and crypto assets within a single, intuitive platform.

2. Transfer money via ACH and Wire: Get your personal account number and routing number for bill payments and direct deposits

3. Easy-to-use: We’re the most user friendly way to buy Bitcoin, buy Ethereum, buy Solana and send it to your Metamask, Ledger, Rainbow, or any self custodial wallet.

4. Assets are secure: All customer funds are held 1:1 at a regulated US crypto partner.

Welcome to the future - you can say goodbye to your regular bank and hello to Juno.

Juno is a financial technology company, not a bank.

Banking services are provided by Synapse Partner Financial Institutions.

Juno Alternatives


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