Mazoola -

from United States of America (the)

Neobank -

App Store Ranking :

Founded in 2008


Mazoola -

Mazoola is a mobile wallet and virtual debit card designed to support families and develop a child’s financial literacy. The super app offers all the banking capabilities kids want without compromising on safety and security features parents deserve. As the one and only certified COPPA compliant mobile wallet, Mazoola is powered by privacy, offering added reassurance that children can build confidence and learn lasting financial habits without their data being stored, shared or sold to third parties or exposed to bad actors on the dark web. Founded in 2008, Mazoola was built from the ground up - built by parents concerned about unregulated marketing tactics, concerned that their child's personal information would fall in the wrong hands. Mazoola’s mission is simple: give kids the power of a mobile wallet to partake and flourish in the digital economy, teach them about money management (how to save, how to set goals, how to manage spending and how to give to charity) but ensure they always remain safe. Hence, Mazoola is not just another debit card. The super app offers kids an opportunity to earn, learn, save and shop online or in-store with the simple push or swipe of a button. Kids are empowered to set goals, monitor their progress, and make purchases all from the power of their mobile devices. Parents co-pilot their child’s journey by assigning chores, creating goals and allowances, approving retailers and spending limits. And with a robust reward system and gifting capabilities, Mazoola builds positive reinforcement by teaching kids the essentials of money management on their path to financial accountability - essential skills in life.

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